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Free Training, Tips & Tools

You’re an Ambitious Thought Leader or Business Coach, or Someone with a MESSAGE! A PROGRAM! or A BOOK! or, A SIGNATURE SPEECH! You are Someone Who Has SO MUCH to GIVE but YOU ARE Sick and Tired of NOT making consistent money, or maybe it's not making ENOUGH MONEY that is the REAL problem.

IN THE PAST You’ve paid money for coaching, that sounded good but failed to deliver the results, you’ve joined pricey master minds, that simply wasted your time and money, leaving you still frustrated. You’re really wondering if you’re ever going to be paid what you’re really worth and your family keeps asking, sometimes none too gently, "Where’s the money?

BUT You’re Here NOW and there’s no more time to waste. 

You’re Ready for REAL Results, NOT Wonderful Promises.

And Not just SOMEDAY, but starting TODAY!!

You want to work with a few premium clients who really value what you offer, love what you are doing for them, acknowledge the life changing results you are producing and tell their friends and family about you.

See yourself NOW with those fantastic clients and raving fans. What would that do for your business and your self-esteem? Think You could finally escape that energy sucking, confidence destroying inconsistent income trap!  What would that do for your bottom line.

Just imagine out the gate with only 10 fantastic clients you’re earning $250,000 a year!

To learn more Join us on Facebook


Getting REAL Results for REAL People like you is WHAT I DO


We’re in this together is more than a slogan, it’s my creed, it’s what I do every day

Book an Appointment to Learn More


Most coaching strategies being taught today are outdated, misguided, or just insufficient to produce the actual results you want.

 Have you been told that to succeed you need thousands of prospects and hundreds of of lead generation strategies. 

Make 100 cold calls a day? Attend 5 networking meetings a day? Spam your whole network on Linkedin?.... Really?


Or worse – assign yourself 100 marketing jobs that you hate – blogging, podcasting, YouTube, Live streaming, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Facebook Ads, SEO, PPC, launches, webinars, video series, guest posting, get on radio, get on TV, write press releases, network with strangers, speak everywhere for free, write a book, host your own conference, climb Mount Kilamanjaro (kidding on that last one)… just reading that list is exhausting, right?

 Yes Credibility and visibility strategies are important. People do have to know what you do but some are a great deal more strategically relevant and designed to bring you to the money more quickly. 

 The fact is there’s a huge difference between “marketing for the sake of marketing” and what we show our clients – which is marketing that WORKS to reliably bring in new raving fans, clients, and revenue.

Want to know more?

Join Me On Facebook

Which Would You Sooner Have...

An Action Plan or


We give you everything you need from positioning, packaging, massaging your message, identifying your perfect audience and where they hang out, prospecting, outreach, pricing, documents and reviews of your documents or revisions of ours, templates, tools, scripts even scaling and leveraging strategies.

PLUS the MINDSET and HABIT Building STRATEGIES which will help you to take action and stay in action. We work with you to make sure you get on track and stay on track to create radical and rapid transformations in your business.

My Process Just Works.

Welcome to my website.

Have a look at our About page

And when you’re ready, click to Go to My Facebook Group where all sorts of freebies and training await you and will occur even live!?

My Mentoring Program is NOT FOR EVERYONE!

You must meet 3 important criteria to work with ME: 

You must already have a message that you are putting out to the world.

My coaching program is NOT for people who have not yet made a commitment. I want to work with thought leaders who really have a message that is important and they’re making some money but want to take things to the next level.  

You must be coachable, open, and ready for change.

If you’re not willing to change what you’ve been doing and likely change even the way you think about your business – including your messaging, packaging, positioning, pricing, outreach, sales, and revenue – then my mentoring program is not for you.  

You must be a fast, brave, and smart ACTION TAKER

My mentoring program for THOUGHT LEADERS IS designed as a Program Where You Take Action and Make Things Happen…You do not just learn stuff.

You must be willing to implement relentlessly AND STAY FOCUSED.

If you’re a “course junkie” or someone who regularly fails to follow through, we are not going to be a fit." 

 While my particular program is new, the strategies and training that I am using have been proven and tested by at least 2000 people. 

Risk Reversal like this is not commonly used as not all programs actually produce the results. Mine Does

Otherwise I could not GUARANTEE YOU RESULTS! and ASK for Payment after the RESULTS occur

Book a 1 hour strategy session with me and let me show you where and how I can help you BEFORE you even consider working with me.

We both need to know that we are a fit and I am the right mentor for you.

What Our Clients Are Saying: